American WItch Trials

New World Witch Trials

and the

American Witch

The American Witch craze started 15 years prior to the Salem trials in colonial Connecticut.  The Connecticut witch trials were during  the mid to late 1600's, between 1647 and 1697. No alleged witches were executed after 1662 in Colonial Connecticut. The first formal trial and execution was in Connecticut and was that of Alice Young who was hung in Connecticut.

Historians cannot say with absolute certainty what gave rise to these witch trials, many believe that fear was fuel for the hysteria. The colonists held strong religious beliefs and years of fighting Native Americans, floods, and epidemical sickness may have caused them to look for someone to blame for their hardships, in this case that would Satan.

What is most ironic is that these first Colonist fled England under King Charles and the Church of England because of religious persecution.  Later, they an inflict these same evils upon their community.

The first New World execution was long before Salem, and was in the early 1620's exact date unknown. Scattered executions occurred as early as 1622 in Virginia. The Connecticut trails followed suit, with the popular Salem trails beginning in the  1690's although scattered executions had taken place.

It is also worthy to note that Colonial America was not the only place these persecutions took place. As early as 1530's women in the American Southwest , and Native women were routinely executed for witchcraft.

For a list of names, dates, and region of those executed for Witchcraft in the New World click the link below.


A  workshop on the History of Witch hunts in the New World, from Colonial America to modern day.

I will speak on how I was able to research a direct ancestor persecuted in American trials,  a historical overview of New World Witch Craze, and brief overview of history of Witch hunts pre-New World and open forum on broom closets and etiquette.
The Urban Rootworker's series on New World Witch Trails is in the  Fall. 
Please check back .

Historical Fiction about about Goody Basset (Ruth Pain).  My direct ancestor who was executed in the Connecticut Witch Trails.