The Sunflower

Sunflowers are a sure sign of summer; the Sunflower is a strong solar herb. This robust flower turns in flowery head to face and salute the sun.

It’s properties both medicinal and magical go back to ancient times. The Aztecs adorned themselves with sunflowers to honor the their sun god, Native Americans knew the value of their medicinal properties and used them as food, for healing and as a dye.

The Sunflower is a diuretic and expectorant used to treat respiratory ailments, coughs and colds. As a food most of us had eaten, sunflower seeds and some use the petals in salads and baked treats. Even the stem of this amazing flower is used to make
paper and fabric.

Magically It is a bringer of happiness, helps depression, abundance
a good choice for fertility work ,also used in protective work, bathing in sunflower petals will bring peace an joy ,and this flower is used  to bring confidence.

Sunflowers are very easy to cultivate and I once had a entire garden of these majestic flowers. I would then, after there time of life had passed, pluck of the heads and dry them for further use.  We would towards the end of the season, have a Sunflower Celebration; equipped with fresh sunflowers and golden baked good, the kids loved this tradition!

Sunflowers are a great way to begin wild-craft and easily available in most places in the summer months.